Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Restaurant Food

In contrast to the cafeteria food the students had at lunch, there is restaurant food in China.  Our hosts at the South China University of Technology have been extremely gracious in seeing to our needs and taking us out to eat.  Tonight, Professor Lin took us to a restaurant just outside the campus.  Also, once again there was too much food for even 5 hungry college students to each.  Professor Lin is the person in front on the right.




In this restaurant, the food was very artfully presented, as is often the case with food in China.   Tonight, a number of dishes had decorative garnishes made out of carrots and daikon that made the presentation that much more elegant.


The meal tonight also included Beijing Duck, a speciality that is served in many Chinese restaurants.


Other dishes included tofu, beef, pork, vegetables, and pepper dishes.  Also, every meal ends with a plate of fresh fruit, typically including watermelon.




Rest assured, the students are not going hungry on this trip.

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